Glenn Woods
PhD Candidate

Glenn Woods

PhD Candidate
School of Health Sciences and Social Work
Acknowledgements and Dedication
I want to acknowledge all the ancestors and peoples who have come before me in the struggle to resist the colonisation of their lands, ways of life and their knowledges and practices. It is due to their sacrifice and their success that I am able to present this work.
There are three such people, now passed, that I want to acknowledge in particular, Nanny Jessie Harrison, Uncle Mick Walker and Uncle Errol West. You have inspired me to do what I do and I am a better person for knowing you. I miss yarning with you.
I want to acknoweldge the encouragement and support I have had from family, friends, colleagues and supervisors to start and continue with this Ph.D. study, well before I officially started. There are too many individuals to mention but please know that your encouragement and support has helped me a lot over this time. You are appreciated.
I dedicate this Ph.D. to my wife Denise, whose support and belief in me made all the difference, and to my children Mikey, Jamal and Leilani who have taught me so much and inspire me every day to place love and compassion ahead of all else.